Monday, October 27, 2008

Lunch with Aunt Ann

Parker is look'in pretty cute as he models his brand new winter hat from Uncle Jason and Aunt Ann! Bring on the snow!!

Healthy Again!

After two plus weeks of coughing, sneezing, runny noses, and canceled plans... the Abrams family is healthy again!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

5 Months Old Today!!

First Born: Parker Jay
Milestones over the last month: Holding his own bottle, attempting solid foods, smiling and giggling with his twin brother

Parker is our charmer. One smile from him and it will melt you. He's going to be a heart breaker. Who am I kidding? He already is.
Parker is also our mellow baby. He seems so content to just watch the world around him. When he plays with toys, it looks like he is truely thinking about the toy and contemplating how it works. His favorite activity right now is play-mat time and trying to catch the bright colored dangle-toys hanging above him. He remains quite happy with bottle feedings and is uninterested in solid foods at this point. In fact, the occasional solid food can often cause quite a bit of discontentment.

Second Born: Braden Paul
Milestones over the last month: Rolling over from stomach to back, eating solid foods, and a constant stream of talk/chatter
Braden is all about action. Moving, shaking, squawking, and squealing... Go, go, go. He's even a noisy sleeper! Snores and snorts louder than either Ben or I! Braden always wants to be standing (even though he still needs a little help balancing). His favorite toys by far, are the jumpers. He also loves the exerciser saucers. Ben and I both think that Braden will walk before he crawls. Braden has also made the jump to solid foods. He loves bananas!

Mom and Dad
Milestones over the last month: Back to work for me, more trips scheduled for Ben, first time sickness/colds, and more sleep in general
With the exception of working several days in August, I was able to get back to work on a regular basis just after Labor Day. I am now working part-time, and I have been able to adjust my schedule to work on just Thursdays and Fridays. This would not be possible without the help of Ben's Mom, Kathe, who watches the boys while I am at work. I drop them off on Wednesday afternoon/evening and Ben picks them up after work on Friday. This allows me some much needed adult interaction time. Plus, the price of two infants in daycare would be too difficult for Ben and I right now.
We could not be more thankful for the time that Grandma Kathe is able to spend with the boys. Every time I enter Kathe's home, it just affirms my feelings. She has made her home into an infant's dream come true. A nursery filled with cribs and cradles, jumpers and swings, bouncy chairs and exerciser saucers. She reads countless stories and sings endless songs. She plays peek-a-boo and pat-the-cake over and over again. The boys are all smiles when it's time to spend time with Grandma Kathe! As I parent, I don't think I could feel more confident our childcare situation.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Story Time With Aunt Beth

Throughout my pregnancy, my best friend Beth, made a point to try to see me each week. And now, over the first 4 months of their lives, Beth has made every effort to try to see the boys each week as well. What would I do without you??

Out to Lunch with Nana Mary

Nana Mary took the boys and I out for lunch today. Braden enjoyed some bananas, pears, and whipped cream. He needed a little help from Nana to keep it all in his mouth though!

I Love My Johnnie Boys!

September 27th 2008 - St. John's Homecoming
St. John's vs. Gustavus
St. John's with the win (of course)

Ben, Mike, Al, and Ryan... Their wives (and fiancee's)... And their combined 7 children.
"Two fisting it", with a bottle in each hand, sure does take on a different meaning....

Times sure have changed boys! : )

September 15th - 21st - Busy Week

September 16th - Dinner at Ann and Jason's
September 17th - Ben's Birthday/Dinner at Kathe's
September 19th - Dinner at Jeff and Susie's
September 20th - One Last River Day
September 21st - Vikings Game at Faletti's

September 13th - Johnnie Boy Dinner

After Ben returned from a business trip to California from Sept. 9th - 12th, we had the Johnnie crew over for an end of summer grill out... Is summer really over already?

Saturday, October 4, 2008